SGI UofT Buddhist Club


an Introductory Session on "Buddhism in Daily Life" (poster)

8 March, 2013 6:30-7:30pm

Quiet Room, 3rd Floor Koffler House (Multifaith Center), University of Toronto

569 Spadina Ave, Toronto, M5S 2J7 (map)

Contact: sgi at utoronto dot ca



We often heard, "Desire is the root of suffering". Should the flame of desires be extinguished if we're to be happy?


In this meeting, we will see how the practice of Nichiren Buddhism enable us to transform our desires into vitality of our lives that can propel us to happiness.


"When we base ourselves on the Buddhist Law, we can transform earthly desires, just as they are, into enlightenment. This is the principle of .earthly desires are enlightenment.. It.s not a matter of eradicating attachments but of seeing them clearly, to discern their true nature and utilize them as the driving force to become happy." - from Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International (SGI)


More on "How we can transform Desires?"

(Additional Information on Buddhism)


Note: Similar Buddhism introductory and chanting sessions will be held on specific Fridays in this Semester, at same time and location. Please refer to our website for updated information.



Should We Restrict Desires to be Happy?