SGI UofT Buddhist Club


an Introductory Session on "Buddhism in Daily Life" (poster)

Friday, 25 January, 2013, 6:30-7:30pm

Quiet Room, 3rd Floor Koffler House (Multifaith Center), University of Toronto

569 Spadina Ave, Toronto, M5S 2J7 (map)

Contact: sgi at utoronto dot ca



"I'm afraid to speak at the meeting ..."

"I don't dare to ask her as I fear rejection ..."

"Should I apply for this job?"


How many times have we wasted opportunities, compromise our goals and dreams as we don't believe in ourselves. Worse than that, our lacks of confidence may sway our focus in lives, as we need to rely on others' assurance for self worth. So we may be constantly comparing ourselves with others, and cultivate false senses of confidence by excelling others. Without noticed, we may just be living others' lives instead of our own. The loss of our true selves can prompt us to incessant sufferings.


Is there way to cultivate true confidence? Some suggest, as simple as it is, every morning, look at the mirror and tell ourselves - "I'm GREAT!" Indeed, there is some truth in it. Here, we will introduce how Buddhist practice can help arouse our confidence.


Buddhism is essentially the faith in the immense life force that exists in every human being. We are born to manifest the confidence that we deserve. Our lack of confidence is due to the disbelief to our own potential, as if our lives being blocked by thick clouds of illusion.


In this meeting, we will introduce the practice of chanting, which we can practice daily. As we chant and focus at the core of our lives, we can perceive our true selves, disperse the clouds of illusion and our lives will radiate with confidence.


Welcome everyone to join us to arouse our true confidence.


(more on confidence 1

(more on confidence 2)


(Additional Information on Buddhism)




- The Lotus Sutra teaches of the great hidden treasure of the heart, as vast as the universe itself, which dispels any feelings of powerlessness. It teaches a dynamic way of living in which we breathe the immense life of the universe itself. It teaches the true great adventure of self-reformation.


- When we decide to live each instant fully, with all our might, to live true to ourselves and make the present moment shine, we discover and bring forth immense and unimagined strength.


From Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International (SGI)


Note: Similar Buddhism introductory and chanting sessions will be held on specific Fridays in this Semester, at same time and location. Please refer to our website for updated information.



How to be Truly Confident?