SGI UofT Buddhist Club


- a Spiritual Workshop in Buddhism for Beginners

Monday, March 5, 2012

7:30pm - 8:30pm

Multi-purpose Room, 2nd floor Koffler House (Multi-Faith Center) (note location changed from usual)

569 Spadina Ave, Toronto, M5S 2J7 (map)

Contact: sgi at utoronto dot ca


Note: Similar Buddhism introductory and chanting sessions will be held on other Mondays throughout

the Fall Semester, same time and location. Please refer to our website for updated information.



Buddhism teaches that a universal Law, Dharma, underlies everything in the universe. This is the very essence of life. One could also think of it as the fundamental rhythm of life and the universe. Through the practice of Buddhism, we can live in rhythm with the Dharma and unfold the great potential of that exists within our lives.

In this workshop, we will introduce spiritual practice in Nichiren Buddhism that everyone can master and is very beneficial.


We will start with a short introduction to Nichiren Buddhism, a sect of Buddhism that is directly related to our daily lives. Then we will learn about chanting, a spiritual practice that invokes our deepest sense of consciousness, through which we can elevate our life conditions, be more empowered to face any problems, achieve our dreams and to attain absolute happiness.


Welcome everyone of all backgrounds to come to this workshop.


Additional Information





"We practice this Buddhism to make our prayers and dreams come true and to achieve the greatest possible happiness. The purpose of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is to enable us to realize victory. The fact that our prayers are answered proves the correctness of this teaching."


- Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International (SGI)



To Live in Harmony with the Dharma (Universal Law of Life)