SGI UofT Buddhist Club


- a Spiritual Workshop in Buddhism for Beginners

a Spiritual Workshop in Buddhism for Beginners

Monday, February 6, 2012

7:30pm - 8:30pm

Quiet Room, 3rd floor Koffler House (Multi-Faith Center)

569 Spadina Ave, Toronto, M5S 2J7 (map)

Contact: sgi at utoronto dot ca


Note: Similar Buddhism introductory and chanting sessions will be held on Mondays on a two-weeks interval throughout the Winter Semester, same time and location. Please refer to our website for updated information.



There are many books, lectures, TV programs etc about self-help. We're encouraged to think positively, be optimistic and confident, and many people have improved themselves through these methods or tools.


Here, we would like to discuss this issue in a more profound level, by looking into the depths of our lives through the perspective of Buddhism. In Buddhist teachings, human beings are born to manifest all the positive qualities that are innate to us. Yet due to our own fundamental darkness and disbelief, these great virtues fail to radiate, like the sun hidden behind thick clouds.

Buddhism can dispel the cloud of our fundamental darkness. Through Buddhist practice, we are able to perceive the core of our consciousness, to fundamentally transform our negativities into immense wisdom, courage or compassion. More importantly, as we let our own lives shine, we not only illuminate ourselves, but people around us as well.

In this workshop, We will discuss how Buddhist practice helps us extract the great potential of our lives, and more concretely, we will introduce the spiritual practice of chanting which enables us to achieve that more effectively. We welcome everyone to join us in this stimulating discussion.


(Additional Information)





"We practice this Buddhism to make our prayers and dreams come true and to achieve the greatest possible happiness. The purpose of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is to enable us to realize victory. The fact that our prayers are answered proves the correctness of this teaching."


- Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International (SGI)



Buddhism: More Than Just a Way of Self-Help